Digital literacies - and what it means to me

Digital literacies … well, I did not even know there was a word (or two) for it…until recently. nowadays its just assumed that everybody has it, knows it, owns it….and considered a basic skill like writing and reading. But what does it mean to me really? For me, it’s not about advanced tools or necessarily even technology, but about mindset and critical thinking. I must say, as an introvert-like person, I realized that I feel quite comfortable with technology. I can totally relate to Adelina S. when she writes “What technology offers introverts is the chance to connect on their own terms, in measured doses and from behind a screen.” ( Adelina Sarkisyan, ), which brings it to the point! I prefer emails over phone calls, I still engage and appear connected, but I have the time to formulate proper arguments or responses and convey my message more efficiently. Its not that I don´t like people, b...