Digital literacies - and what it means to me


Digital literacies 

well, I did not even know there was a word (or two) for it…until recently. nowadays its just assumed that everybody has it, knows it, owns it….and considered a basic skill like writing and reading. But what does it mean to me really?

For me, it’s not about advanced tools or necessarily even technology, but about mindset and critical thinking. I must say, as an introvert-like person, I realized that I feel quite comfortable with technology. I can totally relate to Adelina S. when she writes “What technology offers introverts is the chance to connect on their own terms, in measured doses and from behind a screen.” (Adelina Sarkisyan,, which brings it to the point! I prefer emails over phone calls, I still engage and appear connected, but I have the time to formulate proper arguments or responses and convey my message more efficiently. Its not that I don´t like people, but often I enjoy online seminars that do not require constant face-to-face interaction.

We have zoom or teams meetings at work way too often though, it´s just too easy to pack your daily calendar with online meetings in hourly intervals, …and some have gotten the habit to just squeeze one more meeting in here and there… often those meeting are opportunities to stay in touch with collaboration partners around the globe, but unfortunately  I think most of those meetings would be much more efficient in person around a table. After the pandemic once we met again we kept repeating this running joke “ohh, you have legs” and we happily realized technology can’t replace human connections, but It should be used to strengthen those connections, definitely.

Digital literacy is so much more than knowing everything about computers (which I certainly do not)…I think the most important is to recognize when you don’t know something and knowing how to address that. I love the creation of databases and being able to search for literature online instead of going to the library. It makes me so much more efficient and helps me to learn to be creative, but also critical… I feel I learn new skills constantly …

Though today’s students are “digital natives,” they are not necessarily considered to be digitally literate from the start. I think it’s the teachers job to educate and guide them to think critically, evaluate and question the sources before them, place that technology into the proper context to be creative and develop new hypothesis and ideas —  that make students digitally literate. I wish I could do the same for my kids.

I would say I have a good understanding of how technology works and how I can use it to achieve my goals, but do I know how to manage my online identity, personal security and privacy? Certainly not! And neither do my kids and that is scary. 

When it comes to using technology privately I´m happy to use my phone which helps me to separate work from private. Some services make our lives easier, like what's app helps to stay connected with my family in Germany (even my parents manage to call via what’s app 😊), online banking and online shopping, but there are also many situations, where we don´t get a choice. The school is communicating via Unikum and our horse riding clubs via facebook and hippocrates, and not to mention all those facebook groups that you are asked to join as a parent…

It can be overwhelming and screen time increases. We decided for ourselves to have phone-free evenings incl. no phones on the eating table. I can tell you…such a relief!


  1. Hi Anja, very nice post. I am not so confident as you with technology. I agree that we have to many meetings; however, using Zoom and Teams is also convenient when you have a too packed schedule. I also believe that we need to guide students in this digital world.

    1. Thank you for your comment! Yes, online meetings are definitelly convenient and can also be more efficient in some occasions. Unfortunatelly some people got too used to it (at least at my workplace) and we hardly see them anymore. I think when the days are too packed with online meetings we need to slow down and start prioritizing again as in times before the pandemic...because we also need time to process...

    2. Hi Anja, thank you for replying to my comment. It was Augusto form PBL5.

  2. You bring up a good point in that there are too many meetings that take place in a day, we often forget to 'schedule' small breaks in between. The human connection is important, and as a generalised comment, I do not think there are many places who have managed to balance the 'real world with the digital world'.

    We also often sync together the terms 'digital native' and digitally literate' together, which, as you say, is not always the case. It is important to navigate your way though this as to not leave anyone out who may not be as digitally literate as their classmates.

  3. Thank you for your comment Bianca! Totally agree! One more point to add to a teachers skill list 😏. Being a good teacher is for sure not an easy task...

  4. How interesting that i am the opposite - i like face-to-face engagements way more, and i prefer a quick phonecall to emails.

    I so identify with your point on how the kids' arrangements are like these days too. I feel like digital platforms make passing on info so much more efficient. But I'd have to be digitally competent to be on top of the messages as they arrive. That is really the now-world we live in! We have to figure how best to raise digital literacy across the population!

    1. Hi Doreen, thanks for your comment!..maybe I should add... With my closest colleagues I do prefer face-to-face conversations of course... 😊 And yes, the digital age is so much faster and efficient but also quickly evolving, makes you feel old constantly I think...

  5. That's a good tip! Thanks Nina

  6. Hi Anja, great post!
    I'm more of an extrovert myself, but there are still lots of situations where I prefer to write an email over making a call. I use social media privately to stay in touch with old school freinds and friends around the world and as I have a big family, WhatsApp is the best way to stay in touch in share pictures of everyday life. I really enjoy this part of social media, seeing waht my family is doing day to day, little things that you would not mention in a phone call. I find it much more difficult to establish a professional online identity. I'm now using Twitter for the first time and I'm a bit overwhelmed sometimes following up on all the different channels: WhatsApp, discord, Facebook, Mattermost, E-Mail. I feel the same as you, my screen time has hugely increased to a level where I'm having my eyes checked, because I think I'll need reading glasses :)

  7. Hi Anja,
    Thanks for some thought provoking reflections. I like the idea of bringing the argument close to you - how do I do myself, considering it. Still I think being a "native" is like knowing a few tricks not known to "visitors", still, what are our experiences from running courses using different technologies and the natives? I meet so many students lost in the digital space, still they are natives to plenty of platforms that we use, platforms meant to support learning. Thus, are we going to their "home" visiting, or are we going to insist on them visiting us?
    I look forward to your next post already
    Lars H

  8. Thank you, Anja, for sharing your thoughts about topic 1. I can relate to your thoughts about having many digital meetings during the pandemic, and some things have been convenient and sometimes more effective, but I'm glad to return to campus again.

    During this last month, I've realized when we've slowly come back to work on campus that some of my colleagues aren't as happy as I am with going back. They have said they preferred working from home and see no limitations with all our contact being online.

    I hope that we can find a way to compromise and keep some of the good things these few years have taught us.

    Best wishes,


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